Monday, February 15, 2010

Movies to fall in love with... part two

6. Ever After (1998)
     This is a more realistic Cinderella... with Leonardo DaVinci as the fairy godmother! Drew Barrymore was so cute as Danielle

          7. Cranford (BBC, 2008)
Cranford... a small town completely run by women (all old maids or widows). What will happen to them when the railway comes?
This was a very funny miniseries.... and a great deal of it was true. Cranford is based on three novels by Elizabeth Gaskell (who also wrote Wives and Daughters, and North and South). She based them on what happened in the small town Knutsford, where she visited her aunts several times a year. So, yes; there was actually, in real life, a cow that wore gray flannel pjs!

          8. Fireproof
 This was an awesome movie too. Can't wait for "Courageous", the next movie from Sherwood Pictures. It'll be in theaters in 2011, and I think they're filming it this spring, actually.

               9. Little Women (1994)
  You've heard a lot about this one lately two. I liked this adaptation very much (especially the costumes).... but, as Jo March pointed out on her blog, Scraps from My Workbasket, Jo always sulks when she does something wrong. She also claims that she "rather craves violence". Louisa May Alcott would be furious if she saw that! The adapter (not sure if that's the correct term....) made that up, and he/she shouldn't have! In doing so, they re-scetched Jo's charectar.... something a movie should never do.
All in all, though, it's a very good movie.

          10. Sense and Sensibility (1998)

Well, I already did a post about this one here.
As I said, I love this adaptation... and it's my fave Jane Austen novel, too.


As I stated last time, I know my standards might be slightly different than yours when it comes to entertainment, but I promise you I am not suggesting anything terrible. :) Thanks!

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