Monday, December 20, 2010

I'm dreaming of a...


My favorite Christmas movie ever. My family's favorite Christmas movie ever.

And this is my favorite scene:

My sisters and I watch it about three times a year, and not always at Christmas time! We've watched it in August!

Although there's not a real "lesson" (as seen in, say, "It's a Wonderful Life") and, sadly, the true reason for the season is not displayed, it's one of those feel-good movies. And some lovely 50's gowns. *grin*

What's your favorite Christmas movie?

Celine :)


  1. *haha* YES!! One of my favorite Christmas movies too, girl!! ;) And yes, one of my favorite scenes :D
    My other favorite Christmas movie is 'It's a Wonderfule Life'. :) ♥


  2. Hey!! Great choice on your Christmas songs in the sidebar ;) LOVE Jaci!! ♥ I actually got to see her in concert this year!! Yippee! Front row seats too ;)


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