Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What I'm wearing: Traveler

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This outfit makes me think of traveling. Don't ask why. Must be the crossover bag, and the seemingly Native American inspired boots (though I'm sure they're nowhere near close to what they actually wore.)

What I'm wearing:
 sweater dress: (yes, a sweaterdress!It works better as a long shirt, to cover the tight leggings. No wonder it was on clearance at Old Navy!)
leggings: hand-me-down
boots: I've mentioned these somewhere, I'm sure. I can't remember anymore
crossover bag: posted here -- only $13 for a LEATHER handbag!!! Most amazing purchase in history! (I said that to my dad, and then I thought of the Louisiana Purchase and said that it was the second best buy in history. He said he was going to say the same thing! The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I guess. :)

I also wore my emerald ring with this ensemble. (In fact, we took both pics during the same shoot!)



  1. That's just adorable. I love that color green... and those boots are to die for. ^.^

  2. I love it! The sweaterdress, the boots, the bag--it's just awesome. : )


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