Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Yesterday was my one-year "blogiversary" !!!

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YES! Iradessa has been on the internet for EXACTLY one year and a day.... doesn't feel that long ago. (Though I did turn this into a fashion blog and create another one to have my subjects separate.)

Anyway: what I'm wearing. There's a story behind this one: this past September, my mom and I were looking at this stand of cashmere scarves from the UK, one for $15. The vendor offered one for $10. We loved them all, but only had $15 on hand (of course, credit cards and checks aren't accepted for obvious reasons.) But the guy just said to give him the other five dollar bill and pick out two! So they ended up being $7.50 each. I've seen them go for $30!

1 comment:

  1. I love your scarf!! What a great deal!!
    p.s. Check out our Christmas giveaway:


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