Thursday, September 9, 2010

hello......??? Anyone there?

I'm very confused.

Judging from the amount of comments, you all like my costume posts more than any other subject.

But the other blog is my costume blog, and only 4 people are following it out of 37! (NOTE: a special "THANK YOU!!!" to Marian, Hanne-col, Jane, and Elinor. :)

hmmm..... maybe 33 of you are on vacation.....


  1. Give it time, hon! You've only had your new blog up for two days - some people only check their blogger subscriptions once a week or less. Just be patient and you'll gather more followers over time. =)

    I'm following your new costume blog, so now you have five followers. ;-P

  2. LOL! haha Well im sorry but i havent been paying much attentioN!


Hi! I LOVE comments... but please, don't take the Lord's name in vain, and keep your language clean. Thank you!