Tuesday, September 21, 2010

what I'm wearing: green!

I've been watching the BBC's Robin Hood series and LOVING it.... because of this I've lately been drawn to the color green!

What I'm wearing:
a long blouse from TJMaxx
Jeans from Ross
belt from Mom's closet

and, last but not least, the earrings I won from AK's giveaway! They're very versatile, and I'm enjoying them!
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  1. You lovely in green! The blouse is beautiful!

  2. Great outfit! Another BBC Robin Hood fan here. :) I have a green hoodie, but someday I want to sew a hoodie based on Robin's.

  3. I love that series! I want to hear all of you first impressions... who's your favorite character, what do you think will happen? Please post more!

  4. That's such a lovely shirt!!!!


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